Sunday, August 19, 2007

I am small boned :)

I knew it. Somewhere deep inside there is a small boned person. I have done a little more research and after more rounds of testing and xraying (MRI, EMG, Nerve Conduction and Reflexes) We have discovered the nearly non-existent discs in my neck are bulging below and above the fusion site from just last November. Numbness in my arms and hands is back with a vengeance.

I have a few strikes against me - a) I have degenerative discs - the soft padding in between my vertebrae are shriveling up; ( Teresa says this is caused by all the aspartame I ingest) 2) I have bone spurs forming on the edges of my vertebrae which grind against each other and d) I have an incredibly small spinal cord canal.

Who would have known? Me? With the wrist size of a large man? It's small and I have the x-rays to prove it . Wierd. Translation - whatever bulging that happens is compounded by the fact that there's no extra room whatsoever. The nerve endings in my spinal cord are pinched and causing pain and muscle weakness.

How wierd is it that when I left the doctors office the first thing I wanted to tell everyone was that I have small bones. Hehe. I crack myself up.

Seriously though. Drive slow and watch for people in cross walks.

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