Saturday, December 1, 2007

On The First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me....

A *Japanese bidet.....

I learned a long time ago to accept the gifts your husband gives you in the spirit they are intended. And also, not to expect gifts just because the calendar tells you it's a gift giving occasion. Once for our anniversary I got a package (Costco Size) of my favorite gum. Another time I got a heated massage chair, and there was the time he surprised me with a Cruise. I may or may not get flowers on Valentines, but I get them when it strikes his fancy. My man doesn't like to be pinned down by the social norm of gift giving. If he wants to give me a gift, he doesn't always need a holiday to tell him it's required. I find this much more thoughtful and sincere. I know his gifts come from the heart.

I am a teeny bit baffled by the bidet though. In a former life with a former husband I was given as a gift a hunting rifle. I think maybe this type of gift fits into the category called I-think-it-would-be-so-cool-to-have-one-of-these-so-I-will-get-
her-one-as-a-gift category. Either way I will use it and smile.

*When Craig went to Japan last month he would not stop talking about the toilets. He was so impressed at the design, the obvious lack of personal hygiene of American toilets and how great it was not to have to use (as much) toilet paper. He's been talking about them ever since. The warm seat, the way the water is warmed and then sprayed gently on your bum when you finish your bathroom activities, and the efficiency of the whole system. After telling a few people about this new addition to our master bath, it seems the Men are especially appreciative of it. Women turn their nose up but secretly they like it too. My favorite part is the warm seat. Especially for the middle of the night potty runs.


McKenna Gordon said...

Haha! I found it delightful myself.

Marja's Recipes said...
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Larsens said...

Yes, totally jealous. Maybe Rod will put one of these in his suitcase when he comes back from Japan. Hurrah for all Japanese men who sit down on the toilet, and how could you not sit if you had this contraption.