Friday, February 15, 2008

Nana Fridays

Friday's are pretty much my favorite day of the week. I excuse myself from the outside grown up world that requires hair styling, matching clothes and make up and sit and play with our two adorable grandsons. Life revolves around Carter and Rayder one day a week. I don't answer work phone calls. In fact, I only answer phone calls that are imperative. I only have two hands and they are usually holding one or both of them on Nana Fridays. It's THE best!

I can't wait for the weather to warm up so we aren't cooped up all day. I look forward to stroller rides, going to the park and swinging, playing in the sand box, kicking the ball, rolling on the grass... etc. etc. etc.

I did not have the opportunity to have a close bond with my grandparents. Mostly because they were too old to get on the floor and play silly games or even hold me on their lap by the time I came along. I think my brother and I were #40 and #41 among 50+ grandchildren. I was so thrilled that grand babies came along early enough in life that I can get to know them and become great playmates and friends with them.


Erika said...

How fun! I wish my boys could have "Nana Fridays" with my mom. That picture is adorable! I bet those two little boys are going to be great buddies.

Megan said...

Nom Nom Nom Nom. They look tasty! Must have snack...

Kristine said...

Hey Whitney! I just saw a recipe on your "Food Pusher" site from Sharon Batson! I sat by her in Relief Society yesterday and we chatted and decided to get together for a playdate. Now I have to ask her for to make the Andes treats you have posted. Do you have her blog address? Kristine

Kristine said...

Hey Whitney! I just saw a recipe on your "Food Pusher" site from Sharon Batson! I sat by her in Relief Society yesterday and we chatted and decided to get together for a playdate. Now I have to ask her for to make the Andes treats you have posted. Do you have her blog address? Kristine

Larsens said...

Whitney, you are the best mom and grandma (Nana), and I'm sure those kids will remember having Fridays with Nana forever.
I never met either set of my grandparents because my folks were so old (38 and 44) by the time I came along. I have no clue what it feels to have grandparents. Those kids are truly lucky to have you and Craig.

everything pink! said...

oh great! someone has found me out...
thanks for saying hi!
small world for sure.