Sunday, September 16, 2007


The house is especially quiet today. It's more than just having 1 3/4 less people and 1 less fish here. We knew Melanie would only be with us for a short time. We knew it was best for Melanie and Kris to prepare for the baby together and learn a familiar routine for a while before baby comes. I just didn't know I'd hate the quiet so much. It's not like Melanie makes a ruckus all the time either. I just know she's not here. I keep going up to Melanie's room looking for something I can walk 4 blocks and take to her. (no. she did a very clean sweep)

Theres alot of quiet reflective thinking going on with Craig and I. Furrowed brows and staring off into space kind of thinking. We couldn't be prouder of Melanie. She's a tough cookie. Both Mel and Kris have shown great maturity with the young impetuous eagerness you'd expect from 19-20 year olds. We have high hopes they will continue to move ahead with this new process of becoming a family with the strength and courage they have chosen so far.

We love you Melanie and Kris.

1 comment:

Erika said...

I don't know why I never discovered your blog before. I knew about Kenna's. I'll have to go snoop around on Mel, Meg, and Elle's now too! I'm so sad I couldn't make it to Melanie's baby shower. I got the invitation (way cute) and really wanted to come. It was so fun to be at McKenna's and to see some of you and I hope I'm able to see you again soon. Love you all!