Monday, November 12, 2007


Another item on the long list of projects I wanted to accomplish while Craig has been out of town is to detox. Diet Coke and Sugar mostly.

I have faithfully done ColoDetox for a week, taken my vitamins and minerals and I gave up Diet Coke. Teresa's warnings about aspartame finally got to me. OK, honestly it was a combination of Dr. Oz, Teresa, Dr. Russ Bianchi, and the book Skinny Bitch. But, Teresa, you get full credit for planting the seed. You just didn't scare the bejezus out of me like the authors of SB.

I won't lecture - the info is out there. Go read it for yourself. I just really don't want to die of cancer.

So, yea. Diet Coke is out of my life. I have been drinking it off and on for 20 years. I cleansed it out of my system with ColoDetox but I also substituted Green Tea. I LOVE Green Tea. It has half the caffeine of diet coke, but it has many health qualities. I suppose if you're going to get hooked on something it should be healthy, right? So, I drink 2-3 cups of Green Tea every day, 2 Zija every day plus my Neo Source. Best of all, I feel really great.

1 comment:

Marja's Recipes said...

Good for you! Now if we can get Rod off the "juice" for good. That would be a HUGE accomplishment.