Wednesday, February 27, 2008

10 Things About Me

Fine. I'll be "IT".

1. I LOVE Delilah. FM100 in the evenings. I love elevator music in general. I know most the songs and can sing them by heart and they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

2. Peanut Butter is my favorite food --hands down. I think I might be a teeny bit allergic, or maybe I just overeat it because sometimes I eat so much peanut butter I get kinda sick. :( What is wrong with me?!

3. Everyone knows I have a twin brother. But I don't think everyone knows I consider him my best friend. Besides Big Daddy of course. But I can tell him pretty much anything, finish his sentences, read his thoughts. I trust him with my secrets. I have no idea if it's a twin thing or not having never been anything else. I just know that's how it is.

4. I always wanted alot of kids. I wasn't blessed to have all the right plumbing for alot of kids. I'm lucky to have conceived the two I did. Instead I married a family who graciously invited me to help parent 4 more kids. It's been a wonderful ride.

5. I can't wait to have treasure hunts with the grandkids. I have the perfect treasure chest.

6. I'm a closet cowgirl. I secretly listen to country music in the car. I LOVE to wear my red cowgirl boots. It makes me feel like I can do anything and nobody will give me any crap. Well. Alot of my family will give me crap when they read this.

7. I get my feelings hurt easily. Sometimes it takes me years to get over stuff. I work on this daily. Sometimes hourly.

8. I'm a giver. I like to give things to people and do for others. It makes me really happy. I love to watch our children eat. I love gift giving and I've been known to go ape.

9. I love a beautiful yard but I hate to work in the yard. Such a diva.

10. I really wanted to be a nurse when I grew up. I'm over it.


Larsens said...

You are a wonderful woman, Whitney. I knew most of the things about you. Love you!!!

McKenna Gordon said...

I DIDN'T know you always wanted lots of kids, or the closet cowgirl thing, or the treasure hunt thing. But I'm ecstatic about the treasure hunts, and I know gma Lyn will be ever so proud that you continue the tradition. Also, I think I'm a closet cowgirl too. I've just never actually bought the boots.

peter said...

Whitney, I'm so glad you came to visit last Saturday and I love this post about you. There are so many things I don't know about you. I just feel blessed to have you for an aunt. I have some wonderful memories of dinner at your house and hanging out with your family.